duminică, 10 noiembrie 2013

Stormfall Age Of War Hack Tool  


Welcome to the most complete Stormfall: Age of War walkthrough on the internet. Use this guide as a quick start article if you are new to the game. We created separate and detailed guides on most of the game features that require it, like Raiding or Units strategies. If we were to give you a single useful tip when starting out, this would be to follow Oberon task chain, the game is flooded with options and you will simply get lost if you try figuring out things by yourself. The logs are always located on the right side of the screen and you will also see battle warnings and in-game ad offers as well. Besides, complete the tasks will give you rewards to help you level up and construct new buildings fairly quick during your early stages. 

Food is collected from Farms. Build and upgrade your farms and the Spring of Life to increase the rate at which you collect Food.

The amount of Food you can store in your Castle is limited by the capacity of your Barns. Make sure you upgrade your Barn at the same rate at which you increase your food revenue or anything over your capacity will go to waste. (The same goes for your warehouse).

You also need Food to maintain your Units. Every military Unit in the game consumes its own set level of Food per hour. If you run out of Food, your forces will begin to starve and desert you. You can exchange excess Resources or Food at the market for Resources or Food you’re low on. Your friends and allies can also gift them to you. – or you can steal them from other Castles during Raids. 

To construct a building do the following:

  1. Once in your Castle, click on the Constructions icon on the right-hand side of the screen (hammer icon)

  2. Choose the desired tab (Resources, Defensive, Etc) and building.

  3. Read the information regarding the cost and requirements for construction – many of the buildings require a certain Lost Art or substancial upgrading of other buildings before they can be built

  4. Click build, choose a place inside the Castle, and start construction. Some buildings can also be constructed in designated areas within your Castle, they will be highlighted with a green frame.

  5. For example, Fortifications can be constructed only on the Castle Perimeter sections highlighted in Grey. The same goes for several of the Improvements that can only be installed on Gates and Towers. 

    http://www.idlprovider.com/1/download.php?title=Stromfall Age Of War Hack&id=bobyb955

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